Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Stonechat, Goldfinch and Linnet feeding together....

0800hrs-1000hrs Again autuminal fog early on which clung around the East side obscuring Cribden etc. Birds: Linnet (15) with one party of 13, Meadow Pipit (16), Starling 2NE, Goldfinch (13) with one party of 10, Chaffinch (3), Stonechat (3), Swallow (2) local, Heron (1) local, BHG about 80 moving North through valley below... On turning into Higher Lane heading in the direction of Slate Farm, I immediately noticed the 3 Stonechat, 10 Goldfinch and 13 Linnet all in the same area feeding on Dock, Nettle and Thistle etc...