Friday, 18 July 2008
Some true Historical Notes on the Haslingden Plastic Brick Company

Top o’ th’ Slate
A new brick company for Haslingden - A company has been formed with a capital of £2,000 to acquire, refurnish and work the Slate Brick Works, formerly worked by the owner Mr. John Greenwood. Operations are expected to commence a month hence. Messrs. D. Halstead, E. Schofield, W. H. Blaney, E. Barlow, H. Tattersall, H. Hall, A. Bailey, and James Watt are the princupal shareholders at present.
[Ramsbottom Observer 7th February 1896]
Haslingden Plastic Brick and Tile Co. - The works of this company were opened at The Slate, Haslingden, on Saturday, by the ceremony of christening the engine. In the absence of the chairman, Mr. Albert Warburton, Cllr. Waite, the vice-chairman of the company, called upon Mrs. Edward Schofield to christen the engine. She did so by breaking a bottle of champagne. The works have been acquired by the company from the Bury Banking Co. The shale is extensive and of good quality, and with the new machinery which has been put in the company expect to work on easier terms than their neighbours, the old works having merely needed new machinery and certain adaptations to modern requirements.
[Ramsbottom Observer 8th May 1896]
The Haslingden Plastic Brick and Tile Co. was wound up on 13th October 1898. A new company was formed in the same year called the New Haslingden Plastic Brick Co. This was wound up on 19th September 1900.
Valuable Brick Works and Stone Quarry for Sale as a going concern
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. Ralph Greenwood, F.A.I., at the Commercial Hotel, Haslingden, on Wednesday, November 7th, 1900, at seven o’clock in the evening, subject to the general conditions of the Manchester Incorporated Law Association, and to such Special Conditions as shall be produced at the time of sale.
THE BRICK WORKS AND STONE QUARRY, situate at Top o’ th’ Slate, Haslingden, recently held by the New Haslingden Plastic Brick Co. Ltd., with the fixed and loose Brickmaking and Quarry Plant, comprising:-
ALL THOSE PLOTS OF LAND at Top o’ th’ Slate aforesaid, containing together 14 acres 39 perches, or thereabouts.
There are several hundred yards of valuable rock already bared, and the face of rock and slate combined is some 60 feet in depth.
This property is Copyhold of the Manor of Accrington Old Hold, and is subject to the ordinary copyhold incidents and nominal Lord’s rent. The mineral rights are claimed by the Lords of the said Manor, and are now enjoyed by arrangement with them or their lessees, a small Annual Sum being paid therefore, 2 Large Water Reservoirs, holding capacity 200,000 and 100,000 gallons respectively.
THE BUILDINGS, consisting of Brickmaking Departments arranged for six machines and screening stage, Boiler House and Round Chimney Stack, 90 ft. high; fixed riveted Iron Cistern, extending over Boiler House, holding capacity 30,000 gallons, Engine House, Mechanics’ Shop, Smith’s Shop, and wood erected offices.
THE KILNS, consisting of Patent continuous 16-Chambered Kiln (holding capacity 128,000), 4 Downdraught Kilns (holding capacity 84,000), and square built brick chimneys.
MOTIVE POWER, ETC., including Steam Boiler 30 ft. by 8 ft., and Mountings by Daniel Adamson, Tangye’s Patent Pump, Horizontal High Pressure Steam Engine, 20 in. cylinder, 18 in. stroke, and patent exhaust Injector with 7 ft. unbreakable Belt Pulley, 16 in. on face; 90 ft. Cotton Driving Belt, 14 in. wide and leather and other Belting, Main Shafting, Gearing, Steam and Water Piping.
THE PLANT AND MACHINERY, consisting of Tramways as laid from face of shale to screening and grinding room, together with Steam Hauling Gear and Waggons, Clay Grinding and Mixing Mills, with 9 foot Pan by Johnson, and ditto. 8 ft. by Alexander, and Elevators in connection therewith, Pug Mill by Johnson, 3 re-press Brickmaking Machines by C. Whittaker & Co. Ltd., recently new; Johnson’s Plastic Brickmaking Machine. Steam or Hand Press by Pullan and Mann, together with a large quantity of Dies and Boxes for all machines.
CONTENTS OF MECHANICS’ SHOP, including Planing Machine and Tools by Louden Bros., Glasgow, Patent Self-acting upright Drilling Machine by The Davis and Egan Machine Co., Vertical Donkey Engine, small horizontal Engine, Grindstone and Frame, Mechanics’ Tools, Stocks, Taps and Dies, Benches, Racks and Tools, Smith’s Hearth, Anvil, Swages, Hammers, Hand drill, etc. EGG END BOILER, 13 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 10 in., used as a water reserve; MORTAR MILL, STEAM CRANE by J. Hargreaves, Rawtenstall, and wire rope for same; One HAND-CRANE; Timber-made waggon road, with rails and sleepers for baring purposes; End and side tip waggons; wire hauling rope; wheel plates; buckling chains, bars and picks; 21 brick and box barrows, ladders, planking and timber. A large quantity of blue slates, office furniture and safe by J. Grove, Birmingham, 36 in. by 26 in; general stores and loose effects.
For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, 21, Bury-road, Haslingden, and at no. 5 Pillar, Royal Exchange, Manchester; or to Messrs Whittaker & Hibbert, Solicitors, Haslingden.
[Ramsbottom Observer 2nd November 1900]
Thanks to John Simpson, for supplying this superb information on the Haslingden Plastic Brick Company.
Another photo of Haslingden Plastic Bricks (click here) as kindly supplied by Mr. Douglas Newton