Saturday 4th October: Goldfinch: 6, Meadow Pipit: 14, Linnet: 2, Chaffinch: 1,
Sunday 5th October: 0700-0900hrs BHG: 121 moving down at Carrs, LBBG: 11, Meadow Pipit: 12, Chaffinch: 13, Siskin: Audible only one party, Kestrel: 1 local....
Wind: SE 6mph 0700hrs - 0900hrs Movement South unless stated otherwise. Meadow Pipit: 147, Pied Wagtail: 15 (1N) one party 11, Siskin:2, Swallow: 1, Chaffinch: 10, Greenfinch: 1, Goldfinch: 27 (one party at 10,12), Starling: 8 (one party 5, first migrant Starlings), Cormorant: 1, LBBG: 3, Carrion Crow: 1, Kestrel: 1 presumed local/
Photo: The Red Sky this morning looking East... click over photo to enlarge..