Sunday, 19 April 2009

Hebrew Character, Common Quaker & Clouded Drab Moths.....

Yesterday evening we were mothing at Top O'th Slate, starting off at 2130hrs..and there were four of us decided to brave it.. we caught up to about a total of 8 moths (3 species) before it went very cold, the winds were still coming from the East but had increased in strength, and after 2200hrs we were catching nothing and decided to give up by 2230hrs. However we managed to catch one or two Hebrew Character and a couple of Common Quaker and one Clouded Drab....

Top left is Hebrew Character,Top Right: is a Clouded Drab moth, Bottom left is Common Quaker. Thanks to Brian Clegg and Steve Palmer for help with identifications...

Saturday, 18 April 2009

View from Dr. Eugenie Cheesmond's Memorial Seat

Here are some photos of the lovely memorial seat in rememberance of Dr. Eugenie Cheesmond - the first one above, actually shows the view as if you are sat on the seat which directly overlooks Hutch Bank and also Eugenie's house at No.2 Deardengate.....

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Great Periwinkle beginning to show at Top O'th Slate

Today I checked on the Great Periwinkle and it is currently showing a small cluster with at least 3 separate flowering heads. Here is a photo showing its current status. Also there is at least 4 Willow Warblers singing from various point on the Top O'th Slate and a further bird singing from the Slate Farm/Duckworth Clough area. A new lichen found at TOS which is shown here (top right) and is called "Physcia tenella"... also another photo of the lichen " xanthoria parietina"

Click over photos to enlarge..